Hello everyone! Long-time, no blog! Chats Dental has had a very exciting couple of months and today I wanted to talk about our dear dentist, Dr. Catherine Yang and her experience at the 2019 Australian Dental Congress. I am sure that you must’ve seen the Facebook and Instagram updates, but I wanted to do a more thorough and in-depth discussion about the event. We are so proud of Dr. Yang and everything she has achieved and we wish to share that with the whole community.

So here are the basic facts, the Australian Dental Congress was held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from the 1st-4th of May. It featured a multitude of different dental suppliers, dentists, dental assistants, oral health therapists, dental hygienists, prosthetists, and other personnel that are involved in the smooth running of a dental practice. There were special speakers that gave seminars, workshops and keynote presentations covering a vast array of different dental topics ranging from new technology to hygiene standards.

Catherine had the privilege of orchestrating an intimate workshop, involving 10 participants of very diverse individuals, ranging from 4 months of experience to 40 years. It was a very interactive and personal experience within the small group to really connect and grasp a full understanding of Dr. Yang’s message. Dr. Yang said, “I feel really privileged that there was even one dentist that came all the way from Canada!” During this group workshop, Cath commandeered a clay activity in order to explore her message to S.T.E.P. on Fear. The group of individuals created clay Bees which are symbolic for helping and spreading good things for the community. “You can BEE what you want to BEE, by stepping on fear.”  Cath also had a different activity of creating an origami balloon in which individuals wrote their fear and inflated the balloon and then stepped on it – physically creating S.T.E.P. on Fear. If you would also like the instruction sheets, so you can also do these fun activities (with yourself, family friends, work colleagues – whoever wants to step on their fear), please click the following links.

Along with the intimate workshop, Cath was also the closing speaker on the final day of the Australian Dental Congress. She gave a keynote presentation to all allied dental professionals about her concept of S.T.E.P. on Fear. She had such a great audience, even after a full-on couple of days, everyone was still keen to learn more and this was verification to Dr. Yang that people want to develop and help other people to create a happy and safe working environment whilst serving the community. The presentation ended on a high note with Cath stepping into the audience and saying “Don’t let fear step on you, instead, we can all step on…” to which the audience yelled “FEAR” in response.

Dr. Yang explained “my message for S.T.E.P. on Fear is ‘step on fear: so you can stand on higher ground, so you can have a better view and a greater vision, so that you know stars are real and dreams do come true!’”