Quick Straight Teeth™
Maybe you had missed out on getting your teeth corrected when you were young. You still want to achieve those straight teeth and have the perfect smile. But that means you need to wear braces and the thought of it puts you off. Don’t worry anymore, there are discreet braces available that have tooth coloured brackets and wires, which makes the braces virtually almost invisible. Quick Straight Teeth™ is the answer for you.

What Is Quick Straight Teeth™?
Quick Straight Teeth™ are braces that help you to fix protruded, crowded or crooked teeth. These are virtually invisible braces, primarily made for adults. Quick Straight Teeth™ offers two types of braces:
- QST Fixed Braces: Helps in correcting the front 6-8 misaligned teeth with the help of 3M brackets. Since only front teeth are moved the force used is minimal. The discomfort is also less because it does not require severe tightening that is often used in conventional braces.
- QST Removable Braces: Helps in aligning your teeth, replacing the traditional braces. It is discreet and cost-effective while ensuring comfort.
Why Use Quick Straight Teeth™?
There are several reasons that adults opt for Quick Straight Teeth™
- They are discreet
- The brackets and wires are tooth-coloured
- Cost-effective
- Treatment can last between 4 and 24 weeks
- Provides maximum comfort
- Virtually invisible

Who Should Consider Quick Straight Teeth™?
People who have crowded, protruded, misaligned or crooked front teeth can consider the Quick Straight Teeth™. However, the treatment is recommended only for those who have the condition between mild and moderate. For people who have a severe protrusion or crowding, other orthodontic treatments are available.
What Is The Procedure For Quick Straight Teeth™?
The procedure for implementing Quick Straight Teeth™ is quite simple, involving only 3 primary steps:
- Contact us at Chats Dental about carrying out the procedure.
- Before beginning the procedure, we will conduct a thorough examination to determine whether fixed or removable braces will suit you. Photographs and a mould of your teeth will be done and given to QST.
- After placing the braces, we will check your progress regularly and fit the retainers. Irrespective of the type of braces you choose the outcome is similar, straighter teeth and a more beautiful smile.
To get your Quick Straight Teeth™ contact Chats Dental, to book a consultation for your Quick Straight Teeth™.
Quick Straight Teeth™ Treatment
Actual Work by Our Dentists