Are Teeth Causing A Major Concern For Your Child’s Health?
Does Your Child Require Immediate Dental Surgery?
Are You Concerned About Your Child’s Tooth Extraction?
Do Not Worry. Chats Dental Is Here To Help You
Paediatric Dental Surgery
While parents are prepared when their children scrape their knees playing, they are rarely so prepared for a paediatric dental emergency. Some of the common dental emergencies can occur anytime and having the knowledge of how to handle them can make all the difference. It is also crucial that you take your child to the emergency room or dentist as soon as possible after the incident.

While a toothache is quite common among children it is seldom without a cause, so if the pain persists, contact your dentist. Common reasons for toothache are:
- Tooth decay
- Tooth fractures
- Tooth trauma
- Eruption of the wisdom tooth (adolescence)
You can help in subsiding the pain with the following steps:
- Clean the affected area with warm water
- Check if there are any food lodges in the area and remove it by using a clean finger, floss or toothbrush
- Use cold compress near the affected area if it is swollen
- Go to the dentist immediately
Knocked-Out Tooth (Avulsed)
It is not uncommon that a child might have a tooth knocked out entirely. In such a case, book an emergency appointment as soon as possible since time is of the essence in this case. If it is a permanent tooth, the dentist might attempt to reimplant the avulsed tooth, but if it is a primary tooth then it might not be necessary to do so. Generally, the reimplantation is quite successful if the procedure is done within an hour of the incident.
You can help to:
- Recover the tooth but don’t touch the root of the tooth
- Rinse the debris and dirt off the tooth gently but never scrape or scrub the tooth
- For babies and younger children put the tooth in a glass of milk or saliva and never back into the child’s mouth as they might swallow it. For older children either with gentle pressure, put it back into the original socket or place it in the cheek pouch.
- Keep the tooth wet all the while until the reimplantation is done.
- Go see a dentist as soon as possible as it is crucial in saving the tooth.

Dental Intrusion (Tooth Pushed Into Jawbone)
Dental trauma can cause one or more teeth to move upwards into the jawbone. This will result in injuring the tooth’s alignment and potentially fracturing the socket. In case you see such an instance, contact an emergency dentist immediately. Depending on the condition, a dentist might wait for the tooth to descend naturally or opt for root canal therapy so that the structure of the tooth can be preserved.
You can help by:
- Rinsing the mouth of the child with cold water
- Placing ice packs around the affected area
- Administering paediatric approved pain relief medicine
- Going to the emergency dentist as soon as possible.
Tooth Displacement (Luxation, Extrusion)
Luxation, extrusion, and lateral displacement are classifications for tooth displacement depending on the way the tooth has been angled after the trauma.
- Luxation: The tooth is still in the socket, at times with the pulp intact. The angle of the tooth is unnatural with protrusion and often has the jawbone fractured.
- Extrusion: From the socket, the tooth is partly removed. Typically if this happens to primary teeth, then it heals without any medication, but for permanent teeth, dental treatment is required to save the teeth as well as to prevent any infection.
You can help by:
- Placing a cold and moist compress around the affected areas
- Administering paediatric approved pain relief medicine
- Going to the emergency dentist as soon as possible.
Paediatric Dental Emergency Treatment
Actual Work by Our Dentists

Broken Tooth (Crown Fracture)
Most of the times when a tooth sustains trauma, it is on the crown, which is the visible part of the tooth. Depending on the condition of the fracture, which our dentist will determine by conducting a dental x-ray, then steps will be taken to cure the tooth. You can determine whether it is an emergency by looking to see whether the colouring of the tooth is pink or yellow.
Depending on the severity, our dentist will decide whether to apply dental sealant or initiate pulp treatments.
You can help by:
- Rinsing the mouth of the child with warm water
- Placing ice packs around the affected area
- Administering paediatric approved pain relief medicine
- Going to the emergency dentist as soon as possible
Root Fracture
A root trauma cannot be noticed by the naked eye but can only be identified with a dental x-ray. This generally occurs due to direct injury to the teeth. Depending on the condition of the fracture, our dentist will decide whether to monitor it, how to treat it, and if required, when to extract it.
You can help by:
- Placing a cold and moist compress around the affected area
- Administering paediatric approved pain relief medicine
- Going to the emergency dentist as soon as possible.
Dental Concussion
This is typical among toddlers and children when they get banged or knocked by something. The tooth is neither fractured nor dislodged from the socket in such a case. But in case the tooth is turning black or dark, which indicates it might be dying, then your child needs emergency dental treatment.
Futhermore if your child suffers from severe swelling around the gums, bleeding, and sudden pain in the jaws or teeth, contact paediatric dental emergency. Chats Dental will advise you how to handle such an emergency until you take your child to the dentist.
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Cosmetic to Serious
Perfect pearly whites mean a lot so we offer a range of dental services, from cosmetic transformations to rectifying serious dental issues.
Expertise Matters
We keep upgrading the technology, training and accreditation to offer the best service to you.
Convenient Location
3 hours free parking in shopping centres nearby (Chatswood Chase and Westfield).