by admin | Jun 30, 2017 | Best Dental Services, Child Dental Care
“Don’t worry! They are only baby teeth!” – Are you sure?! Why you should always look after your child’s baby teeth even though eventually they will be replaced by adult permanent teeth. Following my post from last time about when you should...
by admin | Jun 16, 2017 | Chats Dental Smile Dental Tips, Must Read
It was 5:30pm, at childcare pick up time for all the working mums & dads. My phone rang when I was stuck at traffic, panicking if I would make it to pick my kids up on time. It was a call from my friend whose son just had a fall at his childcare. Apparently, the...
by admin | Jun 3, 2017 | Best Dental Services
Planting the Seed for Your Child to Obtain the Perfect Smile: When should I first take my child to see a dentist? Thank goodness most of my friends and the people I hang out with are not in the dental circle. I already look at teeth and talk about teeth from 9 to 5...
by admin | Dec 29, 2016 | Best Dental Services, Must Read
Braces Are Not the Only Option for Your Child: Give Your Child a Better Smile in 30 Days! When is the right time for your child, and what is the best option for your budget? I get asked a lot by my patients, “My child’s teeth are not straight, what can you do about...